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The culture of tolerance and co-existence of our nation and the best practices in this regard were promoted in the event of Council of Europe

30-05-2017 232 dəfə oxunub
The culture of tolerance and co-existence of our nation and the best practices in this regard were promoted in the event of Council of Europe

Recently annual seminar of European Commission against Discrimination was held in Strasbourg.

Head of the Ombudsman Office Aydin Safikhanli attended the event. In relevant sessions he noted that Azerbaijan is a multi-religious, multi-national, multi-cultural country, state policy is defined on the principles of coexistence and collaboration of different nations, ethnic groups and religious minorities and tolerance, no case of discrimination and confrontation exist in the country, on the contrary there exist national cultural and religious relations based on mutual trust and respect.

He focused on the role of national action plans, programs and strategies on human rights in combating discrimination, as well as relevant provisions of these documents.

He also talked about the work carried out by the Commissioner for protection of human rights and freedoms, covering the activity of regional centers of the Commissioner in areas inhabited by national and religious minorities.