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Monitoring are being continued by National preventive Group in prisons

26-04-2017 272 dəfə oxunub
Monitoring are being continued by National preventive Group in prisons

Upon the instruction of the Commissioner, National Preventive Group (NPG) conducted monitoring in Prison No.6 of the Penitentiary Service under the Ministry of Justice without prior notice.

The aim of this visit was to monitor general custody conditions, treatment, and provision of the rights of the detained persons and to investigate received applications.

 During the visit where the physician member of the group also participated, medical-sanitation part, dormitory, punishment cell, meeting rooms etc. were monitored. The medical service, nutrition, provision with potable, hot and cold water the current situation of walking and telephone calls, documentation were investigated.

The work done for improvement of custody conditions, construction of new club and TV room, continuation of reconstruction work was observed. The administration of the facility was recommended to further improve custody condition in punishment cell.

In order to investigate treatment, prisoners were received in private, protection of their rights, their applications and issues raised by them, documentation were investigated; some applications were resolved on spot.

Also, they were legally educated about their own rights, requirements of the relevant legislation, competences of the Commissioner; legal consultation was given on the issues raised by them.

The administration of the facility was given necessary recommendations for further improvements.