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Mission of the European Commission visited the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan

06-04-2017 208 dəfə oxunub
Mission of the European Commission visited the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan

The Head of the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan, Mr. Aydin Safikhanli received the EC Mission headed by Mrs. Monica Zabelin, who is monitoring the implementation of the EU Programs in Azerbaijan.

At the meeting, he briefed the Experts on Mission about history and background of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman Office, its mandate, activity directions, multilateral cooperation with international organizations, EU in particular, as well as active participation of the Office in Eastern Partnership, TAIEX and Twinning Projects and their features. 

In the context of the bilateral cooperation of the Office with the EU, he noted that currently the Ombudsman Office hosts the EU Funded Twinning Project “Support to the Enhancing the Capacities of the Commissioner of Azerbaijan” for two years in the frame of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument, which covers 4 Components. The Project is being implemented with the co-partners Germany and Poland. The Project considers training of the whole staff of the main and regional offices of the Ombudsman about how to improve the work with child, older persons’, persons with disabilities’ rights, management of information flow system and national preventive mechanism (NPM).

In the ensuing discussion the Experts were given information about NPM of the Commissioner and her activity in the field of human rights protection and promotion. 

In the course of the meeting, the questions of the Experts have been answered. The Mission thanked for the fruitful dialog and warm reception.