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Autism as a Global Problem

03-04-2017 298 dəfə oxunub
Autism as a Global Problem

About 70 million people on the Earth are suffering from autism and this number being increased. In Azerbaijan hundreds of kids have been identified with autism. The UN has established 2 April- World Autism Awareness Day by its 18 December, 2007 Decision. So, Azerbaijan as other Member States annually commemorates this date.

“Under the Campaign “Light It Up Blue” carried out by autism community, in 2017 it is very much necessary to continue this movement and to grab attention of international community to these problems by lighting some buildings to show our solidarity with them”, these opinions have been sounded at one of the events dedicated to autism.

The Commissioner presented the head of the “Autism” Defectological and Psychological Aid Public Union, a Diploma and commemorative medal and child rights education tools. Mrs. Suleymanova briefed the participants about the efforts done for child rights protection and promotion at the country level, including creating rehabilitation centers for kids with various defects and the supplement of those establishments with modern equipment.

In the ensuing discussion, the Commissioner noted with concern that unfortunately some problems in this field are still remained, such as misunderstanding of the definition of “autism syndrome” by medical doctors and medical commissions as in the references provided for the category of such kids it has always identified wrong diagnosis “mental retardation” or “behavioural disorder” instead of “autism syndrome”, which raise dissatisfaction of parents. Therefore, the Commissioner at one time made recommendations about re-developing related regulations and considering the definitions of “autism syndrome”, “Down syndrome”, “HIV/ AIDS”, while identifying disability and incapacity in a view to providing the objectivity of identification of “disability” and “incapacity”.  

Noteworthy that the Commissioner’s recommendations have been already considered during improving the normative and legal framework and medical-social expertise in the concerned field. Consequently, in accordance with the Presidential Decree No. 595 dated 14 September, 2015 on Improving Identification Mechanism of Disability and Incapacity, for increasing transparency in identification of disability and incapacity as well as for strengthening the application of modern information technologies and increasing the quality of medical-social expertise and rehabilitation services, it was created Medical-Social Expertise and Rehabilitation Sub-system within the Centralised System under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population(TSERAS).

In the context of reforms in this field, in 2015, “Regulations on Identification of Disability and Incapacity”; in 2016, “Regulation on Medical-Social Expertise Commissions” and “Rules on Referrals for Medical Social Expertise Examination” have been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with its relevant Decisions No. 413, dated 30 December, 2015; Decision No. 36, dated 5 February, 2016; Decision No. 140 dated 30 March, 2016).

Also, the WHO considered the Azerbaijani Commissioner’s recommendation for identifying “autism syndrome”, “Down” and other syndromes in its WHO International Classification of Functionality, Disability and Health (ICF). 

The Commissioner noted inter alia that bearing in mind the existed problems regarding with a lack of pre-school, elementary and secondary schools for kids with autism syndrome; of specialized rehabilitation-development centers, and specialists and professionals, which create difficulties in education, training and rehabilitation services of such category of children; therefore, it is necessary to establish modern rehabilitation-development, socio-psychological aid and training centers for kids with autism and their parents. 

During the event, Mrs. Elmira Suleymanova has consistently stressed and made her recommendations about that the Development Concept Azerbaijan 2020: Look into Future and State Strategy on Development of Education must consider to apply various developmental, correctional and inclusive education programs for all kids all kind of  incapacities; to enhance their skills and talents; to increase opportunities for their access to information; to take preventive measures for elimination of isolation from the society; to adopt a special law on “Public Support to Persons with Autism Syndrome”; as well as to harmonize with international standards and to approve “State Program on Prevention, Treatment, Rehabilitation and Combating Autism Syndrome”, “ Rules on Setting Registr and Documentation of Persons with Autism Syndrome”, “ Rules on Levels of First Medical Aid (also Medical Examinations), List and Quantity of Injections and other Medicaments for Persons with Autism Syndrome”, “Rules on Supply of Persons with Autism Syndrome with Injections and Other Medicaments”, “ Rules on Providing Persons with Autism Syndrome and their Parents with Resort Sanatorium and Spa Treatment ” as well as “ List of Highly Effective Injections and Other Medicaments Used in Treatment of a Persons with Autism Syndrome” and other similar normative and legal acts.

The Comissioner urged the parliament to approach this issue closely and re-doubled their efforts. She was awarded with the Diploma of the NGO “Autism” Defectological and Psychological Aid Center Public Union for her efforts in the concerned field.