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Call center 916

A meeting was held with WHO representatives at the Ombudsman Office

16-08-2023 397 dəfə oxunub
A meeting was held with WHO representatives at the Ombudsman Office

The head of the Ombudsman Office, Aydin Safikhanli, met with the regional consultant of the World Health Organization (WHO) country office, Peter Hughes.

At the meeting, the project called 'Coordination and Transformation of Mental Health Services in the Post-Conflict Period' carried out by the WHO country office, and the work done on increasing the knowledge and skills of doctors, psychologists, and social workers to provide psychological and social assistance to the population in the post-war period were discussed. At the same time, the measures implemented to ensure the rights of war veterans, members of martyrs' families, and victims of domestic violence were mentioned.

A. Safikhanli informed the guests about the activities of Sabina Aliyeva, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in the relevant direction, as well as close cooperation relations with state institutions, civil society institutions, and international organizations. It was reported that based on the initiative of the Ombudsman, free medical and psychological assistance campaigns were organized for families of martyrs, war veterans, and civilians suffered during military operations, and the 916 Call Center is active 24 hours a day for receiving applications. It was added that Ombudsman's Regional Centers continuously work with population groups on this topic and regularly organize educational events.

Moreover, it was emphasized that numerous people who visited or worked in the liberated areas suffered serious bodily injuries as a result of the explosion of mines and other military ammunition planted by Armenia. In this regard, more attention should be paid to providing psychological support to those people and ensuring their rights.

During the meeting, views were exchanged on the perspectives of joint cooperation between the Ombudsman Office and the WHO.