The representatives of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ms. Bas Limonard and Mr. Tim Scheeder have been received by the Head of the Ombudsman Office, Mr. Aydin Safikhanli.
At the meeting , the human rights reforms, plans and programs adopted in the relevant field and activity for human rights protection and promotion of various groups of the population have been discussed. It was also approached the Armenian-Azerbaijani Armed Conflcit, as a result of which 20 percent of the Azerbaijani territoriares have been occupied by Armenian armed forces, as well as one million citizens of Azerbaijan became refugees and internally discplaced persons and severe violation international and human rights law principles and norms. It was streesed that the Netherlands has alsways support the just position and respect for territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
Also, the diplomats informed about the the activity of the Commissioner’s Office as NHRI accredited with “A” status by the UN International Coordinating Committee (ICC) due to his work in comply with the paris principles, including Ombudsman’s work as a national preventive mechanism, international cooperation with different human rights institutions, including EU. So, the EU Funded Twinning Project currently ongoing between Azerbaijani Ombudsman Office and its co-partners like Germany, Greece, Poland and Portugal and other EU States was also approached in the course of the discussions.
It was also noted that from the very start, the Commissioner have made numerous recommendations for developing the general human rights situation as well as the advancing the national legal framework concerning the human rights protection and promotion.
At the end, the questions of the diplomats, who thanked for such a frutiful dialog and are interested in the further collaboration with the Azerbaijani Ombudsman Office, have been answered.