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The Ombudsman’s West Regional Center held an awareness-raising event on the protection of children's rights

04-04-2024 1290 dəfə oxunub
The Ombudsman’s West Regional Center held an awareness-raising event on the protection of children's rights

Within the framework of the implementation of measures under the 2024 Action Plan to Increase the Effectiveness of Protection and Promotion of Human Rights and Freedoms, approved by Sabina Aliyeva, the West Regional Center of the Ombudsman organized an awareness-raising event on the topic of "The Inadmissibility of Violence Against Children" at the Ganja city International Boarding School with a Foreign Language Profile under the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan.

During the event, S. Abbasov, the head of the Regional Center, gave detailed information to the participants about the Ombudsman’s activities in the protection of children's rights. He also spoke about the national and international legal documents in the respective field.

During interactive discussions, the questions of the participants were answered.