The delegation led by Sabina Aliyeva, the Human Rights Commissioner of Azerbaijan (Ombudsman), is currently participating in the GANHRI 2024 Annual Meeting held in Geneva. During the meeting that gathered heads and representatives of various NHRIs, international institutions, and experts, along with other topical issues, climate change and human rights-related issues were also discussed as priorities.
Speaking at the event, the Azerbaijani Ombudsman pointed out the importance of NHRIs in protecting the right to live in a healthy environment. The Ombudsman, underscoring the fight against climate change as one of the UN SDGs, added that NHRIs participation plays a significant role in this process.
Saying that the COP 29 UN Climate Change Conference will be held in Azerbaijan, S. Aliyeva stressed that the Ombudsman Institution also schedules to hold events related to this field. Furthermore, along with the activities carried out by the ombuds institution of Azerbaijan in line with international standards, in this respective field, it was also said that holding public awareness events on the possible effects of climate change is scheduled.
Later, an exchange of good experiences within the national preventive mechanism mandate to ensure the enforcement of the Kyiv-Copenhagen Declaration, adopted in 2023, was held.
Ombudsman brought to the attention of the participants the activities implemented under the NPM jurisdiction, developments in this field, unannounced monitoring visits to places where individuals cannot leave at their own will, as well as public awareness events on the prevention of torture and ill-treatment.
During the thematic session, Ombudsman raised the landmine problem that Azerbaijan faces, underscoring obstacles created by these landmines, planted in our territories during the three decade period of occupation, to the safe return of our former IDPs to their homes, and serious threats posed to the lives and health of civilians. She called on international organizations to actively engage in addressing this issue and support our state in this process.
During the official visit, Ombudsman had a meeting with Dmitry Mariyasin, the Deputy-Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. At this meeting, the significance of the role of NHRIs within COP 29 was emphasized, outlining the future activities that the ombuds institution of Azerbaijan will undertake in this direction.