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A legal awareness-raising event was held in Penitentiary Service Pre-trial Detention Facility No. 2

01-07-2024 1404 dəfə oxunub
A legal awareness-raising event was held in Penitentiary Service Pre-trial Detention Facility No. 2

The West Regional Center of the Ombudsman held a legal awareness-raising event titled “Ombudsman’s National Preventive Mechanism Mandate as an Essention Instrument for  Preventing Torture” in the Penitentiary Service Pre-trial Detention Facility No. 2 based in Ganja city. 

At the event, the head of the Ombudsman's West Regional Center, S. Abbasov, spoke about the Ombudsman’s NPM mandate and the activities carried out to protect the rights and freedoms of detainees, including women, in places of deprivation of liberty.

Furthermore, the last amendments to the Constitutional Law on the Ombudsman of the Republic of Azerbaijan were brought to the attention of the participants.

In conclusion, the questions of the participants on the topic were answered.