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Ombudsman’s Reaction to the Ammunition Blast in Zargar Village in Fuzuli

25-08-2024 1507 dəfə oxunub
Ombudsman’s Reaction to the Ammunition Blast in Zargar Village in Fuzuli

Armenia’s landmine terror continues to endanger the life and health of civilians and servicemen. Thus, as a result of an explosion of the ammunition in the Zargar village in liberated Fuzuli district on 24th August 2024, one civilian was injured. 

Since the Second Karabakh War until today, over 370 people have become victims of this mine terror.

We once more recall that the non-provision of accurate maps of minefields in Azerbaijan to our country not only jeopardizes lives and health of civilians but also seriously complicates the safe return of our former IDPs to their homes, the provision of their right to live in a healthy environment, and restoration and construction works in those areas. Furthermore, the explosion of those landmines results in disturbance of the ecological balance and ecological crisis in the region. 

The indifference of the international community to the mine terror pursued by Armenia along with endangering the life and health of innocent people, causes the violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms.