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The Ombudsman's Reaction to the ICJ Decision to Consider Azerbaijan's International Legal Claims Against Armenia, Including Facts Related to Armenia's Landmine Threat

13-11-2024 1457 dəfə oxunub
The Ombudsman's Reaction to the ICJ Decision to Consider Azerbaijan's International Legal Claims Against Armenia, Including Facts Related to Armenia's Landmine Threat

The long-standing policy of occupation and ethnic cleansing of Armenia against Azerbaijan have resulted in violation of the internationally legally stated fundamental rights and freedoms of over one million Azerbaijanis. The international law, including IHL norms and principles has been grossly breached, and war crimes have been committed.

Legal measures undertaken at the international level to restore consistently violated rights and freedoms of Azerbaijanis for decades are of utmost importance for ensuring justice.

We commend the decision by the Court to consider Azerbaijan’s legal claim against Armenia, as well as the facts relating to landmine terror for merits, despite the objections by Armenia.

We also consider the Court’s decision to dismiss Armenia’s efforts to remove Azerbaijan’s just claims relating to laying landmines and booby traps by Armenia in our formerly occupied territories during and after the occupation periods from the jurisdiction of the Court as a significant step to restore justice.