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An interactive discussion on “Human Rights-Based Climate Justice: The Role of National Human Rights Institutions” was organized within the framework of COP29

14-11-2024 1579 dəfə oxunub
An interactive discussion on “Human Rights-Based Climate Justice: The Role of National Human Rights Institutions” was organized within the framework of COP29

An interactive discussion on “Human Rights-Based Climate Justice: The Role of National Human Rights Institutions” was organized by the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of Azerbaijan as a side event of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), hosted by the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Carolina Crittin, representative of the Secretariat of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), Zabdi Abigail Canales Funes, Executive Director of the Human Rights Commissioner’s Office of Honduras, international experts specializing in combating climate change, members of the Parliament; representatives of state bodies, international organizations, and civil society took part in the discussions.

In her opening speech, Ombudsman Sabina Aliyeva highlighted that Azerbaijan, hosting such an important global event as COP29, undertakes comprehensive measures to combat climate change. She noted that among Azerbaijan’s five national priorities for socio-economic development by 2030, one is the goal of becoming a “clean environment and green growth country,” with regions such as Karabakh, East Zangezur, and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic designated as green energy zones.

Sabina Aliyeva emphasized the crucial role of NHRIs in ensuring climate justice, protecting the right to a healthy environment, and safeguarding the rights of vulnerable groups affected by climate change. She underscored the importance of strengthening cooperation at national and international levels to combat climate change, raising awareness of its legal, social, and economic effects on people, and called for solidarity and joint efforts in taking urgent action.

Following this, Sadig Gurbanov, Chair of the Natural Resources, Energy, and Ecology Committee of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan; Afarin Shahidzade, expert in International Human Rights Law and the UN system; and Aydin Khalilov, head of the “Independent Life” Development and Support Center Public Union, made speeches. Presentations by experts covered issues such as protecting vulnerable groups most affected by climate change, aligning environmental protection with Sustainable Development Goals, enhancing the role of ombudsman institutions in ensuring climate justice, and other relevant topics. The discussions also addressed the impact of climate change on human rights, existing challenges and solutions, positive experiences, and included interactive dialogues on the relevant areas.