During the Child Rights Month-Long Campaign announced at the initiative of the Human Rights Commissioner, for the first time, the Ombudsman Office has organized awareness-raising events on the protection of children's rights in educational institutions situated in liberated territories.
These events were on the topics of child rights protection mechanisms and the role of educators in protecting child rights at Shusha City Secondary School No. 1, Fuzuli City Mirza Ulugh Beg Secondary School No. 1, Jabrayil City Mehdi Mehdizade Secondary School, and Zangilan District Aghali Village Secondary School by the staff of the Child Rights Protection Unit of the Ombudsman Institution.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its guiding principles, the protection of children from bad influences, early marriages, bullying, and child labor were explained to the pupils. National and international protection mechanisms, especially the Ombudsman’s extensive activities in the field of protection of the child rights, were highlighted. Additionally, teachers were also consulted on topics such as safeguarding children from all forms of discrimination, the inadmissibility of violence against children, the responsibilities of educators, existing challenges in this area, and potential solutions. Participants’ questions related to these topics were also addressed.
A total of 240 students and 62 teaching staff benefited from the awareness-raising events. During the events, publications related to the CRC, prepared in child-friendly language in cooperation with the Azerbaijan Office of UNICEF as part of the monthly initiative led by the Ombudsman, were distributed.
In the course of the visit, the conditions at the Zangilan District Aghali Village Nursery-Kindergarten were reviewed, along with the overall state of ensuring child rights. Legal awareness discussions were conducted with the institution’s staff regarding their activities.