It is obvious that ensuring the protection of the rights and rehabilitation of persons with mental illness is of utmost importance for the inclusiveness of each society and the societal integration of this category of persons. The right to mental health is a basic human right for everyone, which ensures his physical, psychological, and emotional welfare. This right does not limit only medical aid but also creates opportunities for protection from stigma, stereotypes, and discrimination, and living in a safe and inclusive society.
The World Health Organization recognizes the improvement of mental health as a priority for public health, human rights, and sustainable development. It is not a coincidence that the universally recognized 3.4. Target of the UN Sustainable Development Goals refers to mental health and well-being.
In 2023, the UN OHCHR and the WHO have jointly released to the public the publication titled “Mental health, human rights, and legislation: guidance and practice.” The objective in the preparation of this document was to advance the legal frameworks of the states in the field of psychiatry and consequently render high-quality mental health services.
This should be noted that; according to Article 42 of the Law on Psychiatric Assistance of Azerbaijan, the Ombudsman Institution has been designated as a body to monitor the compliance of the rights and legitimate interests of persons receiving psychiatric care.
Considering the abovementioned as well as the recommendations and suggestions made during the round-table on the topic “The Mental Health Issues in Azerbaijan and the Rights of Mentally Ill Persons” held this year in the Ombudsman Office, at the initiative of the Ombudsman, Sabina Aliyeva, a Working Group (WG) on Mental Health and Human Rights has been established under the Institution.
The purpose of creating such a WG is to contribute to the adoption of new standards for the protection of vulnerable groups of the population based on international experience and the latest approaches, improvement of the legislation, preparing recommendations for increasing the quality of services in the mental health facilities, and developing educational tools to support the building of an inclusive society from the legal and practical perspectives.