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The Ombudsman Office and the ICRC organized a joint seminar

20-12-2024 427 dəfə oxunub
The Ombudsman Office and the ICRC organized a joint seminar

The Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Country Office  jointly organized a seminar on the topic "Activities on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL): Best Practices and Challenges" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Geneva Conventions. 

The Representatives of state institutions, international experts, staff of the Ombudsman Office, and media representatives attended the event.

Mr. Aydin Safikhanli, Chief of the Staff of the Ombudsman, and Ms. Dragana Kojic, Head of the ICRC Representative Office in Azerbaijan, made opening speeches and wished success to the event.

The Chief of Staff noted that we mark this year the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Geneva Conventions, emphasizing that Azerbaijan, as a party to these Conventions, is one of the states that fulfills its requirements at the highest level. He also added that not all states have fulfilled their obligations arising from these treaties.

Aydin Safikhanli said that Azerbaijan has been subjected to occupation, ethnic cleansing, and an unjust war for many years, but despite this, it has always adhered to the IHL norms and principles. He stressed that it is necessary to ensure the rights of our compatriots, which have been violated for many years, and that this issue also includes the principles of international law.

The experts exchanged views on the national implementation of IHL as a method of ensuring compliance and the role of NHRIs, good experiences, the Ombudsman's NPM mandate, relevant activities, and international experience in clarifying the fate of missing persons, etc.