Within the framework of the 2024 legal education action plan approved by Sabina Aliyeva, the Human Rights Commissioner of Azerbaijan, the next event was organized for employees of the State Committee on Work with Religious Institutions.
The purpose of the event is to promote the UNESCO principle of “Education for All” as stipulated in paragraph 4.8 of the “National Action Program to Increase the Effectiveness of the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan” (NAP), approved by the Presidential Decree dated December 27, 2011, and to train trainers in the field of legal education for various population groups to more effectively protect human rights and freedoms.
The assistant to the Committee’s Chair, heads of departments, and staff members of the Committee attended the event.
Mugalib Mahmudov, Head of the Legal Education Unit of the Department for Cooperation with International and Civil Society Organizations of the Ombudsman Office, participated at the event as a lecturer.
During the lecture, the participants were informed about the UNESCO principle of "Education for All," which is important for ensuring inclusiveness in education, as well as the essence of human rights and freedoms, the rights of various population groups, the international legal obligations that Azerbaijan has undertaken, the activities of international treaty bodies, the Ombudsman’s mandate, an extrajudicial human rights protection mechanism, and the new powers granted to it.
At the end of the interactive event, the participants' questions were answered.