Employees of the Ombudsman's Office conducted a monitoring of the Gusar district's Disciplinary Military Unit of the Ministry of Defense on the instructions of Sabina Aliyeva, the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan.
The purpose of the visit was to examine the conditions of detention and treatment in this military unit, as well as the state of ensuring the rights of detainees in accordance with internal disciplinary rules and international standards. The visit was conducted in compliance with the requirements of the Constitutional Law on the Ombudsman and the OPCAT.
During the visit, the quarantine area, detention room, warehouse, short and long-term meeting room, kitchen, and dining room of the military unit were inspected, and a number of shortcomings were discovered.
During the visit, military servants serving sentences were confidentially received, and they were informed of their rights, responsibilities, and the Ombudsman's competences.
The posters with information on the Ombudsman's "916" Call Center were presented to the military unit by the Ombudsman’s staff, and they were immediately hung in publicly visible places throughout the military unit. Lastly, a legal education talk based on national and international laws was held with the military unit management. They were outlined the shortcomings found and offered appropriate recommendations on how to eliminate them, along with enhancing documentation and detention conditions.