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Another lecture was given at the Justice Academy within the Ombudsman’s NPM activities

28-01-2025 313 dəfə oxunub
Another lecture was given at the Justice Academy within the Ombudsman’s NPM activities

Legal awareness activities are being continued at relevant educational institutions for training of personnel within the NPM activities of the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan, Sabina Aliyeva. 

The next lecture on the national preventive mechanism of the ombudsman was run at the Academy of Justice by Parvin Rahimov, a member of the Department for Prevention of Torture at the Ombudsman Office. The lecture targeted the candidates for middle management and newly recruited employees of the Penitentiary Service and Forensic Expertise Center of the Ministry of Justice.

During the lecture, the listeners were informed about the Ombudsman's activities in the protection of human rights, and independent monitoring mechanisms, including the implementation of the NPM functions.

They have also been infomed that the Ombudsman was designated as an institution performing the NPM functions in accordance with the relevant Presidential Decree, conducts monitoring visits to institutions, which individuals cannot leave at their own free will, as well as information about the status of implementation of recommendations, and was brought to attention.

At the end, questions of participants were answered.