A conference on "Ensuring Transparency in the Context of Business and Human Rights" was organized jointly by the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Office of the Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The event has brought together the representatives of the Ombudsman Office, the Office of the Prosecutor-General, international organizations, business entities, and non-governmental organizations.
Sabina Aliyeva, the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan, delivered an opening speech at the event and gave information about the activities carried out by the Ombudsman Institution in the field of business and human rights in our country.
The Ombudsman noted that continuous efforts have been made in the implementation of the "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" adopted by the United Nations and in the preparation of the relevant National Action Plan.
The Ombudsman said that based on the provisions of the Edinburgh Declaration, which determine the directions of activity for national human rights institutions in the field of business and human rights, it has been identified as one of the main activity directions in the respective area.
She also noted the successful continuation of collaboration with the Office of the Prosecutor-General in terms of improvement of the legislation and awareness-raising activities.
Subsequently, the publication titled "Overview of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights," prepared by the Ombudsman Office upon the initiative of Sabina Aliyeva and with the support of the UN Development Program (UNDP), was presented to the participants of the event.
Kamran Aliyev, the Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in his speech at the event, provided information about the institutional reforms carried out in our country in the field of business and human rights, as well as the measures implemented in this area and the existing legislative framework.
Zahid Oruj, the Chairperson of the Human Rights Committee of the Parliament, spoke about the progressive reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev in the field of business and human rights and highlighted the decisions adopted regarding our country's economic development, which have been welcomed by the population.
Afterwards, Orkhan Mammadov, the Chairperson of the Management Board of the Agency for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (KOBIA), and Mammad Musayev, the President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers') Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, delivered speeches on the topics of "Transparency in Business Activities and Appropriate Support Mechanisms" and "Responsible Business in the Context of Sustainable Development", respectively.
In the conference, moderated by the Ombudsman, Sabina Aliyeva, Irakli Kotetishvili, Policy Advisor to the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub, and Brook Horowitz, the CEO of "IBLF Global," a non-governmental organization, delivered presentations on the topics of "Doing Business with Integrity: Key to Sustainable Development" and "Building Business with Integrity: New Approaches for the Private Sector to Combat Corruption and Protect Human Rights." During the presentations, information was given on principles of integrity in business, addressing challenges in combating corruption, and the implementation of international standards at the national level.
At the end, speeches were made on ensuring human rights in entrepreneurship, the development of women's entrepreneurship, and ensuring transparency, as well as in-depth discussions and exchanges of ideas on these topics were held.