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Appeal of the Ombudsman to the international community regarding the immediate release of our military servicemen who were captured and unlawfully deprived of their freedom by Armenia

22-06-2023 426 dəfə oxunub
Appeal of the Ombudsman to the international community regarding the immediate release of our military servicemen who were captured and unlawfully deprived of their freedom by Armenia

As it is known, in April of this year, the soldiers of the Azerbaijani Army, Babirov Agshin Gabil oglu and Akhundov Huseyn Ahliman oglu, who went missing in the border area with Armenia of the Shahbuz district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, were captured by Armenia and unlawfully deprived of their freedom on fabricated charges. During this period, their exposure to various forms of torture and inhumane treatment, in violation of international law and international humanitarian norms, once again confirms that Armenia pursues a policy of hostility based on ethnic hatred against our country.

Despite repeated appeals in this regard, the Armenian government has persistently and seriously disregarded the requirements of international law by facilitating the adoption of unlawful decisions against our military servicemen.

The adoption of biased decisions against our innocent servicemen and taking other provocative measures aim to undermine the ongoing negotiations towards a lasting peace between the two countries.

We think that, our servicemen, who have been unlawfully deprived of their freedom in Armenia through fabricated court verdicts, should be immediately released.

As the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I once again appeal to the international community and strongly require decisive steps to be taken for the prompt release of our military servicemen who have been unlawfully detained as a result of illegal captivity.


Sabina Aliyeva

The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

of the Republic of Azerbaijan 

22 June 2023