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The information about the activities of the National Preventive Mechanism was given at the event held at the Police Academy

16-06-2023 457 dəfə oxunub
The information about the activities of the National Preventive Mechanism was given at the event held at the Police Academy

Considering the fruitful cooperation between the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during the "Human Rights Month," a roundtable discussion on the topic of "Current Challenges in Ensuring Human Rights in the Modern Era" was organized at the Police Academy.  

Vugar Heydarov, the Head of the Department for the Prevention of Torture in the Ombudsman Office and a member of the National Preventive Group, gave detailed information about the Ombudsman's activities as a National Preventive Mechanism. He also spoke on the Ombudsman’s work in the relevant field, significant accomplishments, legal analysis, and relevant reports.

At the end of the event, participants’ questions were answered.