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An event dedicated to the World Day Against Child Labor was held within the framework of 'Human Rights Month'

12-06-2023 440 dəfə oxunub
An event dedicated to the World Day Against Child Labor was held within the framework of 'Human Rights Month'

A legal awareness event dedicated to June 12 - World Day Against Child Labour was held in collaboration with the Republic Children's Library named after Firidun bey Kocharli during the "Human Rights Month" announced by the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan.

During the event, which was attended by teachers and students from secondary schools in the Binagadi and Yasamal districts of Baku, Azar Isali, a staff member of the Child Rights Protection Unit of the Ombudsman Office, made a presentation, providing participants with information about the purpose of this day, which was first observed in 2002 under the initiative of the International Labour Organization.

In the course of the event, it was emphasized that the protection and promotion of children's rights, as well as the fight against child labor, are among the key directions of the Ombudsman's large-scale activities. Also, information was provided about the events held in the capital city and districts within this framework, as well as the work carried out to further improve the situation of children.

The event was conducted in the form of interactive discussions with the active participation of children, and questions of interest to them were answered.