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Call center 916

A staff member of the Ombudsman Office spoke at the final project meeting on "Don’t be silent, speak up!"

27-12-2023 1306 dəfə oxunub
A staff member of the Ombudsman Office spoke at the final project meeting on "Don’t be silent, speak up!"

The event "Don’t be silent, speak up!" run by the initiative of the Sabunchu District Executive Authority and with the joint support of the Baku City Education Department, the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan, and the State Committee for Family, Women, and Children's Affairs was organized at the Baku Youth Center with the collaboration of several secondary schools in the Bakikhanov settlement.

The event began with the students’ exhibition of relevant art pieces and wall newspapers. Subsequently, a spectacle was presented by the students on topics such as domestic violence, child marriage, truancy problems, and their consequences.

Speaking at the event, Mugalib Mahmudov, the Head of the Unit at the Department for Cooperation with International and Civil Society Organizations (SCOs) in the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan, provided detailed information on the Ombudsman’s activities in the field of the protection of the rights of socially vulnerable groups, including women, children, persons with disabilities, and others, as well as the efforts in combating violence and ensuring gender equality. He also presented information about the work of the 24/7-operating “916 Call Center” related to various legal violations.

In the end, the students who actively participated in the events organized within the framework of the "Don’t be silent, speak up!" initiative were awarded diplomas by the Bakikhanov settlement municipality of the Sabunchu district.