Armenia's state-level mine terrorism and policy of hatred against Azerbaijanis cause the killing of innocent people. With deep regret, I inform you that three persons were killed as a result of a mine explosion in the territory of Talish village of Tartar district on April 28 of the present year.
I pray for God's Mercy on our compatriots who fell victim to Armenia’s next mine terrorism, and express my deepest condolences to their families, loved ones, and relatives!
Armenia has buried hundreds of thousands of mines in the territories of Azerbaijan, which it has held under occupation for almost 30 years, in serious violation of the norms of international humanitarian law in order to harm people's lives and health.
During the period following the signing of the Tripartite Declaration on November 10, 2020, up to 300 people became victims of mines, 54 of them lost their lives.
Despite this, Armenia not only refuses to provide information about the exact maps of the mines it has placed in our territories but also continues to pollute our liberated territories with mines again through sabotage groups.
Thus, during the investigation of recent mine incidents, the discovery of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines produced by Armenia in 2021 around the road is further evidence that Armenia continues its provocation policy in the post-war period.
Due to the failure of the world community and relevant international organizations to have a serious influence on Armenia with regard to mine terrorism, such intensive provocative actions, contrary to international humanitarian law, have intensively occurred in the region in recent days.
Despite repeated requests, accurate minefield maps are still not handed over to our country, which ultimately leads to the occurrence of mine explosions that cause numerous casualties, serious injuries, and disabilities.
In this regard, I once again urge the world community to support the submission of accurate minefield maps to our country to eliminate mine terrorism, which is a source of serious danger to people's lives and health, and call for effective measures to be taken against Armenia for its continued violations of the requirements of IHL.
Sabina Aliyeva
The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman)
of the Republic of Azerbaijan
29 April 2023