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The Appeal of the Ombudsman regarding the facts of torture and inhumane treatment of the serviceman of Azerbaijan captured by Armenia

13-04-2023 520 dəfə oxunub
The Appeal of the Ombudsman regarding the facts of torture and inhumane treatment of the serviceman of Azerbaijan captured by Armenia

Photo and video materials related to the torture and inhuman treatment of a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan have been released in the mass media of Armenia.

A few days ago, the information  on two servicemen of the Azerbaijan Army who went missing in the border area with Armenia due to bad weather conditions was published and the Armenian side has confirmed their detention.  

The photos and videos published today by the mass media of Armenia clearly evidence the fact of torturing and other inhuman actions in relation to a serviceman of Azerbaijan in violation of international legal documents. Thus, from the video it can be seen how an Azerbaijani serviceman is being beaten with his hands tied and is being insulted.    

According to the 3rd Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, persons who do not  take an active part in the hostilities, shall at all times be treated humanely and prisoners of war shall always be protected against acts of violence and intimidation.     

As the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan, urging the relevant international organizations regarding the fact of such  inhumane treatment of our serviceman, I invite them to react to this fact and call Armenia to fulfill its obligations arising from international law. Furthermore, I demand that the Representation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Armenia urgently visit those servicemen and provide information about their condition.   

Sabina Aliyeva

The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

of the Republic of Azerbaijan

13 April 2023


The Appeal has been submitted to the heads of the UN Secretary-General, UN Security Council, UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Office of High Commissioner for Refugees, UN Human Rights Council, UNICEF, UNESCO, European Union, Council of Europe, OSCE, International and European Ombudsman Institutions, Asian Ombudsman Association, Association of Ombudsmen and National Human Rights Institutions of Turkic States, Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Ombudsman Association of its member states, Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, European Network of Ombudspersons for Children, International Peace Bureau, ombudsmen and national human rights institutions of different countries, embassies of the Republic of Azerbaijan in foreign countries and the foreign embassies in Azerbaijan,  the Azerbaijani Diasporas, as well as to various religious communities and confessions.