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Members of the Ombudsperson's National Preventive Group conducted next visits to the regions

24-02-2023 402 dəfə oxunub
Members of the Ombudsperson's National Preventive Group conducted next visits to the regions

Upon the instructions of Sabina Aliyeva, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the members of the National Preventive Group (MPG) continue to visit places which people can not leave on their free will.

Thus, without prior notification by the members of the National Preventive Group of the Ombudsperson, monitoring was carried out in the Khinalig village boarding school named after Rufat Kalbiyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in the Guba Special Vocational School and in the Guba city boarding school for children deprived of parental care.

In the visits organized according to the requirements of the Optional Protocol of the UN "Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment" and the Constitutional Law "On the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan", the purpose of the visits was to check the conditions of detention in institutions, the situation of treatment of children, organization of their free time, as well as proper documentation.

During the visits, classrooms, dormitories, kitchens, medical and other administrative rooms were inspected regarding the conditions of detention, as well as the situation related to the organization of leisure time, documentation, nutrition, provision of hot and cold drinking water was investigated.

Individual and group conversations were conducted with management and employees of institutions, including students, in order to investigate behavioral issues.