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Azerbaijani and Ukrainian ombudspersons held an online meeting

30-11-2022 361 dəfə oxunub
Azerbaijani and Ukrainian ombudspersons held an online meeting

The Human Rights Commissioner of Azerbaijan, Sabina Aliyeva, and the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets held a meeting through videoconferencing. 

In the meeting, the parties discussed the prospects of mutual relations between the two institutions in human rights protection. The parties have also exchanged their views on the perspectives of adequate civil rights protection at the national level.

Outlining the protection of the rights of Ukrainian nationals who took refuge at Azerbaijan due to the ongoing war in their country of origin, the Azerbaijani Ombudsperson spoke about the measures taken to protect the rights of refugees and forcibly displaced persons and migrants, as well as noted that information booklets for foreigners and asylum seekers related to their right of access to information were prepared and translated into the Ukrainian language.     

S. Aliyeva, underlining the respect for the inviolability of state borders as one of the core principles of international law stressed the importance of cooperation of ombudsmen and national human rights institutions with a view to ensuring sustainable peace, tranquility, and development in the entire region. It was also added that for protecting the rights of refugees and forcibly displaced persons, the Azerbaijani Ombudsman Institution, which has an extensive experience in this regard is ready to share its experience with others.  

At the meeting S. Aliyeva expressed her concerns about the situation of Azerbaijani nationals Misir Gasimli and Subhan Guliyev, who are detained and currently being prosecuted, bringing the attention of her colleague to the issue concerned. It was said that considering the previous recommendations of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman, the issue of the persons in question is in focus.

In the end, the parties have agreed to further develop the efforts for strengthening the bilateral relations between the two institutions.