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The Opinion of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding the Resolution adopted against Azerbaijan in the lower house of the French Parliament

01-12-2022 376 dəfə oxunub
The Opinion of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding the Resolution adopted against Azerbaijan in the lower house of the French Parliament

The provocative resolution adopted by the lower house of the French Parliament on November 30, 2022, against our country, which does not reflect any truth, seriously harms the tension of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the peacemaking process.

After the resolution adopted in the French Senate 15 days ago, “The application of sanctions against Azerbaijan and its immediate withdrawal from the territory of Armenia, the demand to comply with the ceasefire agreement dated November 9, 2020, and the promotion of all initiatives aimed at establishing sustainable peace between the two countries,” the adoption of such a resolution against our country once again proves the French Parliament's disrespect for international law.

We believe that the adoption of such biased resolutions one after the other not only hinders the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia but also has a negative impact on the development of political, economic, and cultural relations in the region.

With this resolution, France supports Armenia’s occupation policy based on ethnic and religious hatred against Azerbaijan and opposes the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, which are universal principles of international law. Defending Armenia, which occupied the territory of another state for 30 years, is a clear manifestation of the French Government's disregard for human rights and freedoms.

Once again, I strongly condemn the unfair position of the lower house of the Parliament of France against our country, considering their action a provocative step. Furthermore, I call on France to stop its activities in the direction of inciting national enmity in the region and hindering the ongoing restoration and reconstruction processes.


Sabina Aliyeva

The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

of the Republic of Azerbaijan