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Ombudsman met with the President of the European Court of Human Rights

28-09-2022 353 dəfə oxunub
Ombudsman met with the President of the European Court of Human Rights

Sabina Aliyeva, the Human Rights Commissioner of Azerbaijan met with Robert Spano, the President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) during her official visit to Strasbourg, France.  

At the meeting, the sides discussed various human rights issues of common interest.

While outlining the mutual cooperation between the Ombudsman Institution of Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe (CoE), S.Aliyeva appreciated the support provided by this international organization to strengthen the activity of the Ombudsman Institution in the field of prohibition of discrimination. The Ombudsman added that civil society members are also actively involved in the relevant training organized in the capital city and regions.

In her speech, the Ombudsman said that the work towards strengthening the control mechanism over ensuring the right of access to information was extended, relevant awareness-raising events were held and related protocols were compiled for the violation of this right.  

In the course of the meeting, R. Spano was informed of the measures taken for the incorporation of the national legislation into the European Convention on Human Rights and relevant proposals put forward by the Ombudsman.  

Furthermore, it was noted that the Ombudsman has sent requests of various content to the Constitutional Court. S.Aliyeva also shared information about the experience of the Ombudsman regarding the implementation of her recommendations reflected in her Annual Reports.

The Ombudsman also said that in the post-war period, the biggest obstacle to the safe return to the liberated territories of Azerbaijan and to the full speed of the reconstruction works is the landmines buried by Armenia in those territories and their failure to present their accurate minefield maps. In addition, it was also emphasized that Armenia has not yet provided any information about the whereabouts of nearly 4 thousand Azerbaijanis, who have been reported missing for almost 30 years.   

During the meeting, R.Spano has been presented newly published legal educational materials in foreign languages and the compilation of materials providing information on the Ombudsman’s activity during the war and post-war periods.