On 7-9 September 2022, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights organized a regional training on Integrating the Issue of Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Detention Monitoring in the capital city of Poland, Warsaw. The training brought together 31 representatives from 25 countries, where Azerbaijan was represented by the Head of the Monitoring Unit at the Ombudsman Office Ms. Raida Amirbayova.
In the course of the training, the participants were enlightened about good practices in the arrangement of monitoring activities to prevent gender-based and sexual violence, as well as the presentations on the use of new mechanisms while conducting visits related to this field.
During the discussion sessions, the representative of Azerbaijan informed the participants about the good practices with regard to monitoring carried out as part of the National Preventive Mechanism activities.
Moreover, a visit to the Ombudsman Office of the Republic of Poland was organized for the participants of the training. They were informed about the experience of the Office regarding the arrangement and conduct of visits during the past period.