The Deputy-Head of the Ombudsman Office and Head of the National Preventive Group Mr. Rashid Rumzada, and the Head of the Department for the Prevention of Torture Mr. Vugar Heydarov held a meeting with the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) members.
After providing information about their activities and mandate, the group members mentioned that a relevant report is to be drawn up based on the findings of their third visit to Azerbaijan. It was noted that as a group of experts responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, the GRETA carries out regular visits to the countries, which have ratified this Convention.
During the meeting, the GRETA representatives were broadly informed about the Ombudsman's National Preventive Mechanism activities, including the planned and ad hoc visits conducted without prior notification to the facilities, which the persons cannot leave on their own will.
The experts were also briefed on the work carried out by the Ombudsman for the elimination of human trafficking. It was stressed that the Commissioner pays due attention to the status of migrants, victims of gender-based violence, children growing up in incomplete families, and other population groups that can be potential human trafficking victims.
Moreover, the Ombudsman’s activity based on the “National Action Plan for 2020-2024 on Combating Human Trafficking in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, as well as the relevant legal awareness-raising, analysis and monitoring work, and the proposals drafted for the improvement of the legislation were brought to the attention.
Afterward, the experts’ questions of interest were answered.