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Ombudsman's Message concerning the Attacks on the Diplomatic Missions of Azerbaijan in Foreign Countries

17-09-2022 408 dəfə oxunub
Ombudsman's Message concerning the Attacks on the Diplomatic Missions of Azerbaijan in Foreign Countries

“Armenia, which commits for long years of genocidal acts and terror policy based on hatred, along with asserting unlawful territorial claims to Azerbaijan, still continues provocative acts in severe violations of human rights.

This statement is once more confirmed by attempts of extremist forces of Armenian origin living in Lebanon, gathered in front of the Azerbaijani embassy in Beirut in the name of holding an "action" these days and attacking the embassy building and attempts to assassinate the Azerbaijani diplomats. Similar attacks were made on the embassies of Azerbaijan in the United States and France. Especially in France, in the name of holding a "peaceful action", there was a radical attempt to enter the building of our embassy, and acts of vandalism were committed. Unfortunately, the protection of the embassy building and diplomats were not properly ensured in line with international law. This is a violation of international obligations by which states are bound.    

Thus, such attacks on the Azerbaijani diplomatic missions are blatant violations of international law, in particular, the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, proclaimed by the United Nations, and the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents.

We strongly condemn such unpleasant events, causing the formation of ethnic intolerance against Azerbaijanis in Armenia and beyond its borders, undermining the bringing of sustainable peace between parties, as well as the use of hateful and spiteful expressions by people of Armenian origin in public speeches and on social media promoting enmity.

Therefore, I call on the Government of Armenia to comply with its international obligations, not to discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, and refrain from the policy of hatred against Azerbaijanis as soon as possible.

Considering the possibility of similar attacks in other countries, appealing to the international community and the states where Azerbaijani diplomats operate, I call them to take measures in line with the norms and principles of international law to prevent provocations instigated by the political and military leadership of Armenia, which promote enmity between the parties on the ground of ethnicity, and endanger people's lives and health, as well as to ensure the protection of embassies and diplomatic missions.”


Sabina Aliyeva


The Commissioner for Human Rights 

(Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan