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Ombudsman awarded certificates to the participants of the training on combating discrimination

22-06-2022 358 dəfə oxunub
Ombudsman awarded certificates to the participants of the training on combating discrimination

The next training was organized in the framework of the EU-funded and CoE-organized Project “Strengthening the Access to Justice through Non-Judiciary Redress Mechanisms for Victims of Discrimination and Hate Crime and Hate Speech in the Eastern Partnership Countries”.

Some groups of employees of the Ombudsman Institution and civil society members, operating in the country took part in the training.  

The training, running from 19 to 21 June, was aimed at increasing the professional capacities and skills of the staff of the Ombudsman Office and civil society institutions in fighting discrimination and promoting equality, as well as preparing qualified trainers.

Joining the last day of the event, the Ombudsperson Sabina Aliyeva made a speech.

She said in the framework of this project, the cooperation between the Ombudsman Institute and the Council of Europe had further strengthened, and a number of training courses were held for the Ombudsman’s staff. S.Aliyeva provided about the international treaties prohibiting discrimination consented to be bound by Azerbaijan and the measures taken to establish the right to equality in the national legislation, and the multifaceted activity of the Ombudsman, which marks its 20th anniversary.

Finally, the Ombudsman awarded certificates of participation to the participants of the training.