Social Services Institution for Older Persons of the Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan Agency organized a round table “The Protection of the Rights of Older Persons and Active Ageing” during the “Human Rights Month” month-long campaign.
As a speaker at the event, Ms.Yegana Guliyeva, Chief adviser at the Scientific-analytical work Unit in the Ombudsman Institute, gave a talk on the Ombudsman’s activities in social protection of the elderly, persons with disabilities, and other socially vulnerable population groups.
Furthermore, it was given information on unscheduled and unnoticed preventive visits to the social service institutions by the Ombudsman and NPM group members within the NPM mandate of the Ombudsman in line with the OPCAT. It was noted that during the past period the Ombudsman made requests to state authorities with recommendations and suggestions for increasing the effectiveness of senior citizens and people with impairment residing in the state-owned institutions, the majority of which were considered, and the necessary measures were taken.
In the end, the participants have been presented certificates of appreciation by the facility management.