In the framework of the “Human Rights Month”, the next awareness-raising events on “May there always be sunshine” and “State guarantees for PWDs” were held at the Social Service Institution for Children and the Center for Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.
The event was attended by the officials of the Agency, local executive power bodies, NGOs, and beneficiaries.
In his speech, Mr. Mugalib Mahmudov, Head of the Legal Awareness Unit in the Ombudsman Institute, said that the legal awareness-raising activities organized during the Human Rights Month played an important role in the development of legal thinking and legal culture in the society.
During the speech, the participants were informed about the recent legal reforms for social and legal protection of persons with disabilities (PwDs), including children and youth, as one of the socially vulnerable groups, the Ombudsman’s activity to protect the rights of this category of people.
In the end, the handicrafts of the beneficiaries were demonstrated, and the children showed the cultural program.