The representatives of the Ombudsman Office gave presentations in the training launched within the framework of the “EU-funded MOBILAZE 2 Project on the Support the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership in Azerbaijan“, running in cooperation among the Ombudsman Office and the State Migration Service and ICMPD country representative.
Following the opening ceremony of the event, organized during the “Human Rights Month”, the chief of the staff of the Ombudsman Office, Mr. Aydin Safikhanli gave a presentation about the current international and national legal framework on the protection of the rights of migrants: monitoring mechanisms and detention procedures of irregular migrants”. In his speech, he briefed on the provisions about migrants’ rights stated in domestic and international legal documents. The related questions were answered.
Then, Ms. Turan Jahangirova, head of the Unit on Protection of the Rights of Martyr’s Families and Veterans, doing a presentation about the role of the ombudsperson in the protection of migrants’ rights, informed the audience about the historical background, Ombudsman’s competences, international cooperation, and activity in the field of ensuring migrants’ rights.
Mr. Vugar Heydarov, the head of the Department on Prevention of Torture, made a presentation about the Ombudsman’s NPM mechanism mandate and activity: preventive visits to the places of deprivation of liberty for irregular migration. The trainees were broadly informed about the NPM functions of the ombudsperson.
Also, Ms. Aynur Hamidova, the head of the Unit on Ensuring the Right to Information, reported on the “Prospects for the application and development of migration legislation: migration” which provided information on the legal situation of foreigners and stateless persons, migration processes, and innovations applied in this field.
Further, the training was continued with interactive discussions about a number of issues on migration processes.
In the end, the trainees were presented with educational materials produced by the Ombudsman Institution. The Ombudsman awarded certificates to the trainees represented by the mentioned above state authorities.
This should be noted that on the next day of this two-day training, a preventive visit is to be planned to the Irregular Migrants Detention Center in Yevlakh city.