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Sheki Regional Center of the Ombudsman held events titled "Children are our Future"

02-06-2022 430 dəfə oxunub
Sheki Regional Center of the Ombudsman held events titled "Children are our Future"

Sheki Regional Center of the Ombudsman held meetings with teaching staff and pupils of Sheki Children’s Home of Mixed Type and Zagatala city Boarding Integrated Gymnasium in connection with the 1 June- International Day for Protection of Children. 

During the events, it was spoken about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law of Azerbaijan on child rights, and the purpose and priority directions of the 2020-2030: Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan for children.

Emphasizing that the protection of children's rights is one of the main activities of the Ombudsman, detailed information was provided on the work done in this area.