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Ombuds of TURKPA Member States visited Shusha City

24-05-2022 354 dəfə oxunub
Ombuds of TURKPA Member States visited Shusha City

The ombudspersons and national human rights institutions, and parliamentarians of Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan visited our country to meet at the international conference devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Ombudsman ?nstitution of Azerbaijan to be held on 24-25 May, 2022.     

On the first day of the conference titled “Protection of Human Rights in the TURKPA Member States”, a trip was organized to Shusha city.

The guests got acquainted with the facts of the destruction and humiliation of historical, cultural, and religious heritage belonging to Azerbaijan during the Armenian occupation of Shusha city, and relevant information to them was provided by the Ombudsman.  

During the travel, an interview was given to mass media and international guests shared their impressions.