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Azerbaijani Ombudsman had a meeting with her Moroccan colleague

01-04-2022 307 dəfə oxunub
Azerbaijani Ombudsman had a meeting with her Moroccan colleague

The Azerbaijani Ombudsman, Ms. Sabina Aliyeva had a meeting with her Moroccan colleague, Mr. Mohamed Benalilou.

During his speech, the Ombudsman of the Kingdom of Morocco noted that they had been broadly informed about the Ombudsman Institution of Azerbaijan during the presentation made at the last meeting of the OIC Ombudsmen Association.   

Ms. Aliyeva, emphasizing the first-time bilateral meeting of the ombudsmen of Azerbaijan and Morocco, expressed her satisfaction with the cooperation within the international ombuds institutions and stressed her confidence that this official visit will contribute to the further expansion of the cooperation between the two institutions.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the issues of ensuring social rights and women’s rights, the mandate over the protection of the rights of detained persons, the preparation process of the Ombudsman’s annual reports, as well as the organization of training for the staff of both institutions mutually. Furthermore, the signing of a memorandum of understanding was discussed.

In conclusion, Ms. Aliyeva thanked her colleague for the warm reception and hospitality.