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Opinion of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman Ms. Sabina Aliyeva regarding the illegal visit of the Armenian Ombudsman to the territories of Azerbaijan

05-03-2022 296 dəfə oxunub
Opinion of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman Ms. Sabina Aliyeva regarding the illegal visit of the Armenian Ombudsman to the territories of Azerbaijan

According to the Armenian mass media the newly elected Human Rights Defender (Ombudsperson) of Armenia, Ms. Kristine Grigoryan made an unlawful visit to the territory of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed.

The illegal visit of the Armenian Ombudsperson to the territory of Azerbaijan, where Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed, once again shows that Armenian officials continue to disrespect international law, threaten peace in the region, create new hotbeds of conflict and incite national hatred.

This illegal visit not only seriously violates the provisions of the Trilateral Statement, concluded by the Presidents of the Republic Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation, and the Prime Minister of Armenia on November 10, 2020, but also deliberately aggravates the situation in the region and overshadows the activities of Russian peacekeepers.

We advise the Armenian Ombudsperson to protect the rights of the people living in Armenia, instead of carrying out such illegal actions that threaten peace in the region and fulfilling political orders that do not comply with her mandate.