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Information of the Ombudsman Office

01-03-2022 366 dəfə oxunub
Information of the Ombudsman Office

Azerbaijanis, who were taken prisoner and hostage by Armenia during the First Karabakh War were tortured, killed, and then buried en masse.

Such a mass grave was discovered in Edilli village of Khojavend district on the basis of testimonies and materials collected by the Working Group of the State Commission on Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons of Azerbaijan. It is assumed that they were remains of 15-20 Azerbaijani civilians killed while being held hostage and were buried at a depth of 3 meters by the Armenian military during the occupation period, and there are other mass graves in this village. And this is a grave violation of the provisions of international law, particularly the 1949 Geneva Conventions, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention and 1977 Additional Protocol I, thereto.   

It is reported that there are many mass graves and cemeteries in our liberated territories, especially in Khojavend, Kalbajar, Aghdam, and Fuzuli districts, as well as around the city of Shusha.

The mass graves of Azerbaijanis, which were discovered as a result of demining of those areas, once again prove Armenia's policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide, as well as war crimes committed against civilians of Azerbaijan. All these facts are the grounds for bringing Armenia to international legal responsibility.