As the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, we are seriously concerned about the cases of violence against children committed in secondary and pre-school education institutions, including Ismayilli City Nursery-Kindergarten No.1 in recent times.
We are constantly staying focused on the issues of legal assessment of such cases and acts of violence published by mass media and social networks.
It should be noted that we conduct regular monitoring in places, where people cannot leave on their own will, including child facilities within the mandate of the National Preventive Mechanism and appropriate measures are taken to overcome shortcomings found in ensuring their rights.
Everyone, including persons working with children, should defend the rights and best interests of children declared by international documents and national legal acts, and avoid rude treatment and violence against them.
We seriously condemn all forms of violence against children and call on competent authorities to unite their efforts and take necessary measures to prevent such acts.