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Ganja Regional Center of the Ombudsman held an awareness-raising event on domestic violence

13-01-2022 402 dəfə oxunub
Ganja Regional Center of the Ombudsman held an awareness-raising event on domestic violence

The Ganja Regional Center of the Ombudsman in collaboration with the Naftalan District Youth and Sports Department held an online legal awareness event on the topic of preventing domestic violence.

The event had brought together the representatives of the Naftalan District Youth and Sports Department, Youth Career and Development Center, and the young people. 

The participants were widely informed about national action plans and the relevant legal and normative acts on the fight against domestic violence. Furthermore, it was also stressed that the Ombudsman Office organizes awareness-raising events on preventing domestic violence. 

During their speeches on the topic, other participants underlined the importance of increasing the number of awareness events about preventing domestic violence and altering the negative stereotypes.