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Jalilabad Regional Center of the Ombudsman held an awareness-raising event on Fighting against Domestic Violence

21-02-2022 354 dəfə oxunub
Jalilabad Regional Center of the Ombudsman held an awareness-raising event on Fighting against Domestic Violence

Jalilabad Regional Center of the Ombudsman held an awareness-raising event titled “Implementation of Public Preventive Measures against Domestic Violence” at the Medical College of the District. The academic staff and students of the College attended the event.

Along with the Ombudsman’s activity to prevent domestic violence (DV), the head of the Regional Center Mr. Ziya Ismayilov gave broad information to the participants about the national Law on “The Prevention of Domestic Violence”, relevant legal and normative acts, as well as the National Action Plan to Combat Domestic Violence for 2020-2023”.

At the end of the event, Mr. Ismayilov responded to the questions raised by the participants.