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Ombudsman Office finalized its series of training on good governance in the regions

29-11-2021 404 dəfə oxunub
Ombudsman Office finalized its series of training on good governance in the regions

The Ombudsman Office finalized its series of training titled “Role of the Ombudsman in Promotion of Good Governance and Strengthening the Cooperation with CSOs in the Concerned Area” with the final event held in Ganja between 23-25 November 2021. It must be noted that the training was supported by the GIZ Country Office.

The expert-trainers Mr. Zaur Valimammadli, Head of the Department for Cooperation with International and Civil Society Organizations at the Ombudsman Office, Mr. Rashad Novruzov, Head of the Unit for Protection of Civil and Political Rights, and Ms. Aynur Hamidova, Head of the Unit on Access to Information reported about good governance standards and principles, Ombudsman’s mandate, and its role of affecting good governance, ensuring the right to access to information, Ombudsman’s activities in the field of business and human rights, application and review procedures, and the authority to compile protocols on administrative offenses in cases specified by law. Practical examples were also analyzed, and interactive discussions were held.   

Furthermore, the importance of strengthening and perspectives of effective relations between state bodies and CSOs, at the same time, the importance of the role of the Ombudsman Institution in this process was discussed. Also, the participants made recommendations on improving the activities of their institutions in the concerned field.