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Representative of the Ombudsman participated in seminar on Project “Supporting the establishment of Regional Training Center on Migration in Azerbaijan”

29-11-2021 343 dəfə oxunub
Representative of the Ombudsman participated in seminar on Project “Supporting the establishment of Regional Training Center on Migration in Azerbaijan”

A two-day regional seminar was held to formulate recommendations for the Road Map of the Regional Training Center on Migration in Azerbaijan.

The seminar was organized to strengthen inter-agency cooperation at the regional level. The seminar was attended by migration agencies from Turkey, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, members of the civil society organizations and educational institutions from the regional countries, along with the representatives of local state bodies, NGOs, and the UN experts.  

At this seminar, Ms. Turan Jahangirova, head of the Martyrs Families and Veterans Affairs Unit at the Ombudsman Office delivered a speech, outlining the activity directions of the Ombudsman Office in the field of promotion and protection of migrants’ rights. She added that the situation, needs, and concerns of such category of people are learned and their appeals are analyzed. It was also stated that mutual cooperation is being continued with the corresponding public institutions with the aim of improving the legislative framework based on the results, developing the quality of the database to ensure effective promotion of law-enforcement mechanisms and bringing the state policy into conformity with international legal documents to which our State is a party.

It was also underlined that for the purpose of prompt and thorough consideration of appeals of citizens residing outside of their country of origin, the cooperation with State Migration Service, foreign ombudspersons, and diplomatic missions.

Mr. Vladimir Georgiev, Head of the International Organization for Migration  Office in Azerbaijan, commended the effective work of the Ombudsman in the field of migration and initiatives to develop cooperation, as well as the international experience of the Ombudsman in the field of human rights.

The event featured presentations on various topics, extensive discussions, and the preparation of a preliminary conceptual draft of the MRTC Road Map.