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E-learning courses were organized for staff of the State Migration Service

07-09-2021 374 dəfə oxunub
E-learning courses were organized for staff of the State Migration Service

E-learning course was organized for the staff of the State Migration Service in the frame of the cooperation of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Migration Service to raise awareness on the field of human rights. The course covered the topics “Protection of the Rights of Victims of Human Trafficking and Forced Labor” and “Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Their family members”. 

Ms. Turan Jahangirova, the Head of the Unit at the Ombudsman Office, who was the speaker during the course, talked about national and international legislative frameworks protecting the rights and legal interests of the vulnerable groups of the population, including asylum seekers, stateless persons, and migrant workers during the pandemic.

T.Jahangirova informed the participants about the legal bases and directions, as well as outcomes of the Ombudsman’s activity, including investigations and analyses of the incoming applications. She said that Ombudsman actively participates in the implementation and coordination of the International Migrant Worker Convention and fulfilling the relevant Committee’s Recommendations, and the Ombudsman's proposals were considered as well.

At the end of the course, the questions of the participants were answered. The employees of the Regional migration departments were also involved in this distance learning.