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Jalilabad Regional Center of the Ombudsman held an awareness event on the topic "Our Fundamental Rights"

03-09-2021 315 dəfə oxunub
Jalilabad Regional Center of the Ombudsman held an awareness event on the topic "Our Fundamental Rights"

Jalilabad Regional Center of the Ombudsman held an awareness event on the topic “Our Fundamental Rights” at the City Youth and Career Development Center.

During his speech, Mr. Ziya Ismayilov, the head of the Jalilabad Regional Center has informed the participants about the history of human rights development and the main international documents adopted in this area. It was noted that the foundation of human rights reforms in our country was laid with the adoption of the new Constitution, and the provision of human and civil rights and freedoms was established as the highest goal of the State.

Then Mr. Ismayilov told about the establishment of the Ombudsman Office as part of the legal reforms to ensure human rights and freedoms in the country and about its extensive activities.