The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ms. Sabina Aliyeva received the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced persons, which is on a visit to Azerbaijan. The PACE representative, Rapporteur of the Committee on the humanitarian consequences of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Mr. Paul Gavan, the Head of the Committee Secretariat, Mr. Mark Neville, and the Deputy Head of the CoE Office in Baku, Mr. Kyrylo Boicheniuk attended the meeting hosted in the Ombudsman Office.
The Ombudsman Sabina Aliyeva briefed the guests about the activities carried out for investigation of the violations of international humanitarian law and human rights during and after the Second Karabakh War. They were informed about the factual materials as part of the presentation about the attacks of the Armenian armed forces on the civilian settlements of Azerbaijan by using internationally banned weapons in course of the 44-day Karabakh War. It was noted that special reports were developed to be sent to the international organizations based on the facts proving IHL violations that were found during the on-site investigations in the civilian settlements destroyed as a result of those attacks. It was mentioned that those reports indicated the information about the civilians, including child victims, killed and wounded during the war, historical and cultural monuments destroyed totally or partially, as well as the facts concerning torture and ill-treatment of Azerbaijani POWs and hostages by the Armenian side.
Furthermore, the Ombudsman provided information about the ad hoc report on anti-tank and anti-personnel mines in the liberated lands that were planted by Armenia during the period of occupation. She underlined that those mines seriously hinder the process of restoration of normal life in the region, at the same time undermine peace.
During the meeting, a video made by Azerbaijan’s Ombudsman Office regarding the long-standing hatred policy and hate speech against Azerbaijanis by Armenia was also displayed. In conclusion, the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan emphasized the importance of ensuring peaceful coexistence in the region.
The PACE delegation members discussed the human rights violations caused by the conflict and other issues of interest.
The Ombudsman expressed her hope for the fair assessment of the PACE representatives based on the data to be collected as a result of the investigations during their visit.
The questions of the guests were answered in detail, and they were given the above-noted reports and statements.