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The Ombudsman of Azerbaijan is carrying out a Fact-Finding Mission to Aghdam together with the TIHEK Delegation

30-06-2021 278 dəfə oxunub
The Ombudsman of Azerbaijan is carrying out a Fact-Finding Mission to Aghdam together with the TIHEK Delegation

The delegation, leading by the Chairman of the Human Rights and Equality of Institution of Turkey (TIHEK) Mr. Suleyman Arslan, that is on a visit to Azerbaijan, upon the invitation of the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan Ms. Sabina Aliyeva has conducted a Fact-Finding Mission to the liberated areas and settlements shelled by Armenia during the war. The Mission was conducted jointly with the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan Ms. Sabina Aliyeva and the staff of the Ombudsman Office. 

The main purpose of the Fact-Finding Mission is to conduct on-site research and gather evidence in the territories liberated from occupation and attacked during the war.

The delegation also consisted of researchers from Turkish universities with experience in IHL and war crimes. Researchers, who are members of the Karabakh Observation Group established under the auspices of TIHEK are participating in this on-site investigation into the law violations.

The members of the delegation first visited Aghdam district liberated from occupation and suffered the most destruction. Residential buildings, religious and historical monuments destroyed and looted by Armenia during the occupation were inspected in Agdam. During the visit, Aghdam Juma Mosque and Giyasli Mosque were visited, and an investigation was carried out into the destruction.

In addition, the Ombudsman and the TIHEK delegation visited the mined areas in Aghdam district and informed the guests about the serious threat posed by mines in the liberated areas.

Later, Ms. Sabina Aliyeva and Mr. Suleyman Arslan gave interviews to the media.

The report based on the outcomes of the monitoring is to be prepared and submitted to international organizations.